Продам акк с кучей игр, игры в описании
Вот игры: 20XX, 3 out of 10 EP1, ABZU, AER, Amnesia, ARK SE, Blair Witch, BorderLands The pre-sequel, 2, 3, Brothers, Cities SkyLines, control, Costume quest 2, Ghostbusters, GTA V, Heroes and Generals, HITMAN, Horizon chaes turbo, Inside, Jotun valhalla ed, JWE, JDI, Kingdom new lands, Layers of fear 2, ManeEater, Metro LL, Mud Runner, My time at portia, Nioh, OddWorld, OverCooked, paradigm, PBS, Prey, Redout, Relicta, Rise of the Tomb Rider, Rising storm 2, Saints row, Samurai Shodown, Shadow of the Tomb Rider, BattleFront 2, Stick it to the man, SupraLand, The long dark, Spectrum, theHunter, Tomb Rider game of the year, WotchDogs 2, WindBound, Wolfenstein