Его все ждут )
Placeholder Increases massiv Agi and Force (40%?), was born with 35% Speed, 25% Avoid Injury, 25% Damage Rate. When ninja is in formation decrease opponents speed by 15%. When this ninja dies deal 200% growth rate all enemies. Immune to Death-Point Striking and Petrify.
Placeholder Attack enemy team with 300% growth rate. 60% chance success chance to randomly cause death to 1-3 enemy (CC instant death next turn), 40% chance to fail and stun himself for one round. Increase allies attack by 15% for 1 round. reduce enemy avoid injury for 25% for 2 rounds. Increase supports aid by 50% for 2 rounds. Recover own fury by 50 and all allies fury by 30.
Type Taijutsu
Formation Assaulter
Weapon Kunai
Force 10000 (Growth 9.0)
Agility 8000 (Growth 8.0)
Chakra 7000 (Growth 8.0)
Health 60000 (Growth 10.0)
Сообщение отредактировал 8 декабря 2015 - 06:50