Selling a decent account 11 lvl, 9 epic weapons, 11 skins, there are all the heroes with 8-11 lvl, rank 18-22, 3V3 rank 23, 21 emotion, a lot of cool poses
Selling a decent account 11 lvl, 9 epic weapons, 11 skins, there are all the heroes with 8-11 lvl, rank 18-22, 3V3 rank 23, 21 emotion, a lot of cool poses
Have skins at:
Monkey king, Kibo, Azuma, Butcher,
Midnight, Linx, Helga, Kate, Ironclad, Fireguard, King of the legion, Markus, Emperor.
Available Epic Weapons at:
Jack Bulwark, Monkey king, Kibo, Midnight, Linx, Hong-joo, Markus, Emperor, Shang.