9 legendary and 15 epic heroes, small buns
The following are the heroes:
Ronda - 1 pc (60lvl, 6 developments, filled with 3 books, )
Rotos Confused - 2 pcs (the first 60lvl, 6 developments, filled with 7 books, ) (the second 1lvl, without developments, without the bay of books)
Altan - 1 pc (60lvl, 6 developments, without the bay of books)
Samson - 1 pc (60lvl, 6 developments, without the bay of books)
Artak - 1 piece (50lvl, 4 development, without bay of books)
Sun Wukong - 1 piece (50lvl, 4 development, without bay of books)
Guy Trumfator - 1 piece (50lvl, 3 developments, without bay of books)
Hefrak - 1 piece (2lvl, 1 development, without bay of books)
Reliquary - 1 pc (60lvl, 6 developments, 8 books filled, 2 awakenings)
Jamarsa - 1 pc (50lvl, 5 developments, 9 books filled, 1 awakening)
Iago - 1 piece (40lvl, without developments, without the bay of books)
Dark Ethel - 1 piece (35lvl, 4 developments, filled with 2 books)
Dark Elaine - 1 pc (16lvl, without development, filled with 9 books)
Sachi - 1 pc (9lvl, no development, no bay of books)
Rearguard Sergeant - 1 pc (1lvl, without development, without bay of books)
Baroness - 1 pc (1lvl, without development, without bay of books)
Sinesha - 1 piece (1lvl, without development