User Agreement

I, the subject of personal data, in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 № 152 "On Personal Data" give consent to the site GARANTMARKET.NET, located at, for processing and storage of personal data that I stated in the web-chat, forum, personal communications, and/or in the feedback form on the site in the Internet.
  1. The composition of the personal data I provide is as follows: Name, e-mail address and phone number, purse numbers in money transfer systems, other game details and personal data, IP-address, cookies, which are specified on the site;
  2. The purposes of processing my personal data are: communication, checking details, providing communication on the site and forum, as well as for automatic transactions and other transactions on the site, also adding ads with open data and other public operations on the site, such as creating topics on the forum or exchange of funds between money transfer systems;
  3. Consent is provided for the following actions (operations) with the personal data specified in this consent: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), use, transfer (provision, access), blocking, deletion, destruction, carried out both with the use of automated means (automated processing, storage), and without the use of such means (non-automated processing, drecking);
  4. I understand and agree that providing GARANTMARKET.NET with any information about myself that is not contactable and not related to the purposes of this agreement, as well as providing information related to state, bank and/or commercial secret, information about race and/or national identity, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs, health condition, intimate life is prohibited;
  5. In case I decide to provide GARANTMARKET.NET with any information (any data), I commit myself to provide true and actual information only and I am not allowed to mislead the site administration about my personality, to report false or unreliable information about myself;
  6. I understand and agree that GARANTMARKET.NET does not verify the accuracy of the personal information provided by me and has no ability to evaluate my competence and assumes that I provide true personal information and keep such information up to date;
  7. Consent is effective when the purposes of the processing have been achieved or when it is no longer necessary to achieve those purposes, unless otherwise provided by federal law;
  8. I may withdraw my consent at any time on the basis of my written application;