
"Cautions and nuances" is a set of certain actions that can be taken in exceptional situations. We try by all means to protect you from fraudsters and our level is increasing day by day. In order to protect the parties to the transaction against fraudsters and swindlers, the guarantor takes different security measures, depending on the circumstances of the transaction. New methods of fraud appear in the Internet every day, and we study them in order to protect the parties from undesirable results of the transaction.
  1. The transfer of money only in case of security can be made under protection for 2 days;
    • As agreed by the parties;
    • In cases of serious doubt;
    • To confirm the availability of the amount;
  2. We look at all scams, so be patient. It takes time to do a thorough check;
    • Sometimes informal conference deals last 3 hours, depending on the complexity and nuances;
  3. Because we take every aspect of the transaction seriously, precautions may be taken at the discretion of the Guarantor;
  4. Remember, it is advisable to clear all your data before the transaction to speed it up;
    • Mail, personal data, etc;
  5. In case of difficulties, changes of opinions, confusion, violation of the rules of the transaction, etc., the Transaction can be changed according to your nuances for the approval of both parties. As a consequence, the Guarantor may claim a commission as for conducting a completely different transaction;
    • To avoid this, you just need to know what you want, and initially agree on the moments of the transaction;
  6. Always in the transmission of screenshots, to clarify the sale of value, hide personal data, so that there were no complaints about the sale on your account;
I remind you that each transaction is unique and all other things are clarified and explained during the transaction. Regards the administration GARANTMARKET.