Channel 71k subscribers 7 MILLION views.

YouTube Channel 71k subscribers (not nakruzhdeniye / every day new ones are added), 7 million views. The most popular video has gained 2.5 million views.
The theme of the channel is Korean and Asian Cuisine Cooking Channel. All videos are recipes. The videos are "impersonal/non-personalized", only hands are shown, easy to continue and develop in the same style and theme to anyone.
There are over 850 videos on the channel (you can cut Shorts from them, I haven't done that yet), but there are a few Shorts on the theme of the channel. You can use the videos to upload to other platforms like TikTok (by creating short videos based on the original videos), etc. for other platforms. The channel has travel videos and drawing lessons (impersonal/can be continued by anyone), which you can do with at your discretion after buying the channel.
Channel I sell, because I changed the direction of activity from chef to nutriciologist and now I am developing in another direction. Because of my personal employment training, I could not for the last six months to devote a lot of time to the channel (released only one video a week to maintain the channel) and therefore the statistics sagged (but even now the income comes), but it is easy to fix by applying a simple activity and again return to the large turnover.
Link to YouTube channel:
This YouTube channel I created in 2018 at the beginning of September. Everything on the channel from the cover and avatar to everything else was done by me personally. Never nakruchivala anything, myself led and developed the channel. Channel monetized. Connected Google Adsense, the withdrawal of money occurred regularly. Utub tied to Google mail (it was not used for personal use, only for YouTube account).

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