Verification by passport and photo ID
"Verifying a user by passport and photo ID" is uploading documents in order to get the appropriate icon in the user's profile, which will be visible to site visitors. Icons like passport scan or photo ID, inspire more trust in site visitors, which helps site users to communicate with each other more confidently. In the hard times of the Internet, in which there are a lot of unscrupulous users.
By uploading the appropriate documents, you sort of pass the identity verification on the site, which further affects positively from other visitors to the site and inspires more confidence.
Photo requirements:
- Only color photocopies will be accepted;
- List of supported formats and maximum size of one file: JPG, GIF, PNG up to 5MB;
- All four corners of the document should be visible;
Important! Upload a real photo, the administration of the site may ask for a photo in a different angle, in order to verify the authenticity.
Document upload form