Guarantor verification

"Checking the guarantor for authenticity" is a very common operation. There are a lot of scammers on the Internet and resources such as ours have many imitators who present themselves on our behalf, but in fact they are not employees of the site. Therefore, in order not to stumble on a fraudster you can perform a series of actions to check whether the guarantor is genuine and whether it really works from our site. This will protect you from the fakes, scammers who will try to present themselves on our behalf.
  1. During the conversation with the guarantor transfer any amount of money to one of the details below;
  2. Guarantor's requisites
  1. Put your contact information (Skype / ICQ / VK) in the translation note and write any code word;
  2. Do not tell anyone, not even the guarantor code word;
  3. Let the prospective guarantor know about your check;
  4. A real guarantor will contact you himself and write the content of your note;
  5. The money for this check is non-refundable;
This operation will help you check whether the official Guarantor, or you have fallen for a scammer who is presented on our behalf. Regards the administration GARANTMARKET.